Meet The Team

Eamon Fitzpatrick


Eamon Fitzpatrick is the Partner of MAK Dubai and has been a part of the team since 2013.

Originally from England, Eamon moved to the United Arab Emirates in 2005 to pursue his professional goals. Previous to his Conveyancing career, Eamon worked in the banking sector both in the UK and UAE as a portfolio manager, mortgage broker and financial advisor.

Eamon’s wealth of experience & knowledge in all areas of property transacting has helped develop MAK Dubai into the largest leading Conveyancing Company in the UAE.

Outside of work, Eamon spends his time traveling the world, learning about different cultures, and meeting new people. So far, he has visited Jamaica, USA, Europe, Singapore, Egypt, Ethiopia, Thailand, Indonesia, Australia and New Zealand and has many more destinations on the horizon.

Having played for a London club growing up (West Ham), Eamon is also an avid football fan.